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Welcome to the Revolution

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"This world can never attack me again."


- Alice birch, p. 76-

Woman with Bat.jpg

an introduction to revolution

This is our Revolt dramaturgy website. The place where you can get get inspired, where you can get informed, where you can get angry. Explore this page and follow what you find interesting. Learn more about the script. Learn more about the kind of voices that excite you, the subjects that make you hungry. If you find that there is something missing, a topic that you wish you had more information about, let me know! Go straight to the contact section at the bottom of the page and send me a line. If you find something that you think might inspire your fellow revolutionaries, send that my way and it will have a home on this page. This is where we center our revolution. Enjoy, explore, and (most importantly) REVOLT! 

- Sierra Carlson, Dramaturg

And on the Third day, She said "Revolt!"

Alice Birch

Meet The Play(wright)

"With Revolt I knew I wanted to say something quite loudly and also that I was pissed off."


- Alice Birch, 

An Interview with The Guardian

 Recipe for Revolt


"In anticipation of REVOLT. SHE SAID. REVOLT AGAIN., Soho Rep. asked playwright Alice Birch about art pieces that inspired her play. Alice came back ... with a formidable list of plays, photography, feminist essays, and poetry that have all been an influence on this piece of writing." - Soho Rep. Website (2015/ 2016 season)


Soho Rep digs deep into the artists, essayists, and pieces of work that acted as inspiration for Alice Birch's play.  Dive into this well of information, discover the source that sparked this complex work.


How can these sources of inspiration inspire our own work?

Who/ What is on your list of inspiration?



"When indicating emphasis on certain words in her script, Birch turns them into honorary proper nouns by beginning each with a Capital Letter... The familiar is made strange. ‘Spa Days’ becomes less about massages and more what the whole notion represents. The same goes for Chocolate Bar. Smiling. Happy Hour Mondays."

 "‘I’m sorry, I don’t understand’. It’s something we say in foreign countries when we’re apologising for our lack of fluency. In Birch’s manifesto it appears because our mother tongue has been rendered alien."

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