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"When one has tasted it, he knows what the angels eat. "

- Mark Twain


Berries are often sexualized. The sweet juices and brilliant colors make it an easy sexual association. The watermelon, which is also a berry, is similarly sexualized. Then what makes the watermelon different? It's hard, waxy outer rind protects the watermelon. While other berries are crushed easily, the watermelon is not as easily bested. It is for this reason that the watermelon is viewed as a symbol of love, lust, passion and fertility. 

The watermelon also has a history as a symbol of subjugation. Once a symbol of freedom in an emancipated United States,  Southern whites responded by making the fruit a symbol of black people’s perceived uncleanliness, laziness, childishness, and unwanted public presence. Ever since, the fruit has been spiked with political and racial meaning.


What is the watermelon to you?

a symbol of sexuality or subjugation.

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